Autonomous systems are becoming more and more important when it comes to performing work that is either too dangerous, too difficult or too monotonous for humans. All autonomous systems have in common that they must have certain basic skills that enable them to carry out their tasks independently. This includes that the autonomous systems must be able to capture their environment and transfer it into a model of the environment, e.g. a 3D map. Sensor data fusion enables the autonomous systems to orient themselves in this environment. Based on the environment model, algorithms can plan an appropriate movement of the autonomous systems to perform a concrete task.
Fraunhofer IOSB researches and develops autonomous mobile robot systems that are capable of operating in a wide variety of environments. From the research of autonomous construction machines for unstructured environments to the development of underwater robots and the operation of automated vehicles that promote cooperative driving on the road, Fraunhofer IOSB is working on a variety of innovative solutions for autonomous mobile systems.