Structure and networking

The five business units of Fraunhofer IOSB bundle the portfolio of the institute with regard to concrete application areas and markets.

The central competence and organizational units are the 17 scientific departments. Seven of them are located in Karlsruhe, five in Ettlingen. Our branches IOSB-AST at Ilmenau and IOSB-INA at Lemgo comprise three and two departments respectively.

At all locations, our institute collaborates closely with the local universities: Employees of Fraunhofer IOSB hold professorships and teaching positions, and local professors are involved as external advisors and advisory board members of the institute.

Fraunhofer IOSB in networks, alliances and performance centers

Within Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Fraunhofer IOSB belongs to the Fraunhofer ICT Group, the Fraunhofer Business Unit Vision and Fraunhofer Segment for Defense and Security VVS. In addition, the institute and individual departments are members of the following Fraunhofer Alliances: AutoMOBILE Production, AVIATION & SPACE, Building Innovation, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, Energy, Agriculture and Food Industry (aka Food Chain Management), SysWasser, and Transport.

Fraunhofer IOSB is also involved in the Fraunhofer Clusters of Excellence “Cognitive Internet Technologies CCIT” and “Integrated Energy Systems CINES” as well as in the High-Performance Centers “KAMO: Karlsruhe Mobility”, “Intelligent Signal Analysis and Assistance Systems – InSignA, Ilmenau” in Ilmenau and “Sustainable Ocean Business” in Rostock/Lübeck. In addition, Fraunhofer IOSB is a guest member of the Fraunhofer Group for Light & Surfaces. Furthermore, our head of institute Prof. Beyerer is spokesman of the Fraunhofer Strategic Research Field Artificial Intelligence (AI).

In addition, it goes without saying that on a case-by-case basis, we collaborate with sister institutes that complement our expertise with regard to the task at hand.

Cooperation at our locations


Fraunhofer SIRIOS

Together with the Fraunhofer Institutes FOKUS, EMI and IVI, we operate the Fraunhofer Center for the Security of Socio-Technical Systems (Fraunhofer SIRIOS) in Berlin. SIRIOS makes complex security scenarios tangible and manageable in order to increase security and resilience in society.


Fraunhofer Research Group SOT

In Rostock, we are developing pioneering marine technology and new solutions for the sustainable use of the oceans in the Smart Ocean Technologies (SOT) research group with the Fraunhofer Institutes IGD, IGP and IKTS. As a cross-institute research network for underwater technology, we operate in the context of the Ocean Technology Campus Rostock.


Karlsruher Forschungsfabrik

At the Karlsruher Forschungsfabrik for AI-integrated Production, we are working with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Fraunhofer ICT to optimize established manufacturing processes and upgrade immature processes for production.