Activities of ILT

Our Activities

Which lectures will be heard soon? Were there any awards or nominations? When is the next time we are at a trade fair? Here you can get all information.

Name Datum Information
Wagner, P; Birnstill, P.; Samorei, T.; Beyerer, J. July 2024

Presentation (Wagner): DDS Security+: Enhancing the Data Distribution Service With TPM-based Remote Attestation
Ares 2024
30.07. - 02.08.24
Vienna, Austria

Usländer, T., Hertweck, P. 11.7.24

Presentation (Usländer): "AI Systems Engineering and Dataspaces - Two Sides of the same Coin“
DHBW AI Transfer Congress

Hellmund, T. May 2024

Presentation: Introducing WALKER – Safeguarding Cultural Heritage through Evacuation Run Maps
27. - 29.5.2024
Münster, Germany

Winter, N. May 2024

Presentation: User-tailored visualization of simulation and sensor data for efficient crisis management
27. - 29.5.2024
Münster, Germany

Moßgraber, J. May 2024

Chair of Track 7: IT Solutions for Crisis Management
27. - 29.5.2024
Münster, Germany

Borcherding, A.; Giraud, M. 22nd April 2024

Presentation: Fuzz Wars: The Voltage Awakens – Voltage-Guided Blackbox Fuzzing on FPGAs
42nd IEEE VLSI Test Symposium 2024
20. - 22.4.2024
Tempe, AZ, USA

Moßgraber, J. April 2024

Chair of Session ERE 1.3 - Cultural heritage and the environment: interaction, vulnerability, past and future changes
EGU General Assembly
14. - 19.4.2024
Vienna, Austria

van der Schaaf, H. 25.3.2024

Chair of des SensorThingsAPI SWG Meeting
OGC Member Meeting
25. - 28.3.2024
Delft, The Netherlands

Usländer, T. 21.3.2024

Presentation: Manufacturing Transformation: AI Systems Engineering Leveraging Open Dataspaces
Smart Manufacturing Excellence Summit
20. - 22.3.2024
Munich, Germany

van der Schaaf, H., Grellet, S. 30.1.2024

Presentation: Integration of new OGC Standards e.g SensorThings API
Capacity Building Workshop on Hydrological Data Exchange, Standardization, Interoperability in RA VI
25. - 30.1.2024
Online Presentation

van der Schaaf, H., Grellet, S. 29.1.2024

Presentation: Water Quality Interoperability experiment: Implementation of WaterML2.0 part 5 in SAVA HIS
Capacity Building Workshop on Hydrological Data Exchange, Standardization, Interoperability in RA VI
25. - 30.1.2024
Online Presentation

van der Schaaf, H., Grellet, S. 26.1.2024

Presentation: SensorThings API and WaterML2.0
Capacity Building Workshop on Hydrological Data Exchange, Standardization, Interoperability in RA VI
25. - 30.1.2024
Online Presentation