Welcome to the pages of the Energy, Environmental and Security Systems business unit of Fraunhofer IOSB! We are happy to support you if you are looking for a competent development and innovation partner for technological challenges in areas such as energy management, environmental information systems or civil security.

The Energy, Environmental and Security Systems business unit groups together all activities at Fraunhofer IOSB that address the needs of energy and water infrastructure providers, operators of environmental information systems, public authorities and similar organizations in charge of protecting and maintaining public safety and order, municipal bodies, and their subcontractors. This work involves in-depth knowledge of sensor networks and sensor data management, as well as wide-ranging expertise in data analysis, modeling, simulation, forecasting and process optimization. Other relevant areas of expertise include IT security and data protection.
We offer a wide range of services extending from basic research and technology consulting to the design and implementation of complete systems for applications such as energy management, the planning and monitoring of water supplies, and smart solutions for the real-time detection of hazardous situations based on video data.