"visIT" science journal: Insight into our current research

In "visIT", our science journal or theme brochure, we inform you in a concentrated form about current focal topics of our research. On this webpage, you can find all issues in digital form (mainly in German language). If you wish, we will be happy to add you to the distribution list for the digital or print edition - you will then receive visIT two to three times a year, free of charge. Simply write an e-mail to: publikationen@iosb.fraunhofer.de


The four-page newsletter InfOSB, which informs about recent developments in all the institute's business units (in German), accompanies visIT. visIT subscribers receive it automatically.

Current visIT issue: Data spaces and digital twins (German only)

The fourth industrial revolution was proclaimed in 2012: Industrie 4.0 is an export hit, and companies, research institutions and public bodies worldwide have launched and implemented projects to advance their own digitalization. However, despite great successes in research, Germany's companies are only in the middle of the pack when it comes to digitalization in an international comparison. The question is: why is that? Perhaps German companies have focused on making their own factories more efficient first when it comes to Industrie 4.0 and have looked less at creating customer-related added value. Concerns about sharing data with customers, suppliers or equipment suppliers have outweighed considerations about the potential that would arise if data were exchanged within the value creation networks. And: standards that the various players use as a matter of course were unknown or unavailable to the companies.

With this booklet, we want to help refute these arguments: Data exchange in data spaces and digital twins are promising solutions for advancing digitalization. And they are two sides of the same coin: without digital twins based on open standards, there can be no efficient data exchange. Data spaces and the principles on which they are based ensure that digital solutions scale.

Our guest authors report from the practice of their data room projects and initiatives: Roland Rosen (Siemens AG) as head of the collaborative project Factory-X and the experience of almost three years of Catena-X. Georg Kube (SAP) is intensively involved with data spaces and data ecosystems and their interoperability so that software applications can be used across industries. Hanno Focken (Cofinity-X) works in the first operator of shared services for an industrial data space, Catena-X. Georg Schnauffer (ARENA2036) stands for the targeted transfer of data room solutions to SMEs like no other. The collaboration between research at Fraunhofer and companies shows that R&D results can indeed be put into practice quickly - in order to advance digitalization in German industry.

We hope you enjoy reading our "Data spaces and digital twins" issue.

Previous visIT issue: Technologies for sustainability (German only)

Satisfying the needs of the present in such a way that the opportunities of future generations are not restricted - this is how the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development defines the omnipresent concept of sustainability. The importance of sustainable action and economic activity has become widely accepted in society, but recent developments and crises have highlighted the need for further measures. The climate crisis with all its consequences, increasing scarcity of resources and global conflicts are just a few examples that underline this.

With the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, the United Nations has created a programmatic framework for the realization of a global sustainable society. Technical innovations play a key role in this: they help to use resources more efficiently, reduce energy requirements, establish circular economies and develop environmentally friendly alternatives. For many years, Fraunhofer IOSB has been researching technologies that play a key role in achieving sustainability goals - in the areas of food production and agriculture, recycling and secure material supply, resilient water systems and energy supply. With this in mind, this issue is dedicated to our contribution to technologies for sustainability.

In a guest article, Christoph Hilgers explains the potential of using hyperspectral imaging for efficient and resource-saving mining. Paul Bäcker, Felix Kronenwett, Lukas Roming and Henning Schulte show how machine vision systems using AI processes can help solve current challenges in the recycling of construction waste, plastic, electrical appliances and bulky waste. Anna Taphorn, Pascal Gauweiler and Felix Kronenwett explain how these technologies can be used for the food production of tomorrow. Thomas Rauschenbach describes the development of hierarchical control structures for effective and sustainable aquaponics systems. Stefan Klaiber focuses on increasing the efficiency of a heating network operation.

For better classification, all articles are marked with the logos of the corresponding UN Sustainable Development Goals.

"Technologies for sustainability" is a forward-looking topic that will increasingly accompany us in the coming years.

We hope you enjoy reading our magazine and find it inspiring! 

Further editions


visIT Explainable AI in Practice

This issue provides insights into explainable AI in practice.


visIT Laser, Quantum Technology & Active Sensor Systems

In this issue: lasers, photonic quantum technology, quantum physics, and active optronic sensing.


visIT AI Systems Engineering

This issue focuses on the exciting and forward-looking topic of AI Systems Engineering!


visIT Sensor Data and Smart City

In this issue we want to look at the Smart City topic in the context of open sensor data standards.


visIT Smart Agriculture

In this issue of the Science-Journal visIT Fraunhofer IOSB's solution approaches to the topic of Smart Aggriculture are presented.


visIT AI for Defence Applications

This issue provides insights into developments and results on AI technologies in defence technology.


visIT Industrial IoT und Edge Computing

This issue presents intelligent production processes for quality assurance and secure data exchange on IoT platforms.


visIT AI for Autonomous Systems and Assistance Applications

In this issue: Artificial intelligence in use for toxic waste removal and in assistance applications.


visIT Intelligent Safety Technology

This visIT highlights a selection of topics in the context of security technologies. Concrete applications as well as ongoing research work are explained.


visIT Privacy by Design and IT Security

Privacy by design and IT security are elementary for new technologies. In this visIT issue you can learn more about data protection and IT security in systems.


visIT Energy, Water and Environment business unit

Energy transition demands new solutions. In this issue, we present technologies ranging from Digitalization to IT security.


visIT Mobile Robot Systems

The current issue of our themed magazine visIT is dedicated to approaches that increase the degree of autonomy of robotic systems.


visIT Industrial IoT – Digital Twin

In the visIT issue “Industrial IoT – Digital Twin“ (in English) we take a closer look at the current trends in automation.


visIT Recycling

“Recycling is the largest source of raw materials in the world“. This issue of visIT highlights how innovative projects at Fraunhofer IOSB are helping to develop and optimise new recycling cycles.


visIT Public Safety

The new issue of Fraunhofer IOSB sheds light on various facets of the topic “Public Safety“.


visIT Industrie 4.0

The new Fraunhofer IOSB issue highlights various facets of the “Industry 4.0“ topic area


visIT Autonomous Mobility

The new issue of Fraunhofer IOSB highlights different facets of the topic “Autonomous Mobility“.