Position selection assistant

Terrain evaluation in support of operation planning and battle management

The Position Selection Assistant (German: SWA - Stellungswahlassistent) is designed to accelerate the land forces decision making process. The objective is the automated examination of the terrain for characteristic features of effective positions.

Digital surface model
© Fraunhofer IOSB
Digital surface model
Position evaluation in blue, enemy direction southwest
© Fraunhofer IOSB
Position evaluation in blue, enemy direction southwest
Prediction of enemy movements
© Fraunhofer IOSB
Prediction of enemy movements


An evaluation of the terrain is calculated in order to identify suitable positions. In particular, the maximum combat distance, visibility, and vehicle height, as well as the enemy's direction of attack are important parameters for the calculation. Knowledge of the own and the enemy weapon systems allows for a sound choice of parameterization. The military importance of terrain can be considered as a weight. 



The user receives an evaluation of the area according to its positional quality. This allows unsuitable terrain to be discarded and suitable terrain to be closer investigated. Special terrain features suitable for strong lines or flanking positions become visually visible. Exercises with users have shown that this can save a considerable amount of time. Terrain reconnaissance is accelerated by a factor of about 5.


Data basis

The current version requires a digital terrain and surface model with a resolution of 1 m, as well as vector data for power lines and railways. For planned developments, vector data on land cover, buildings, water bodies, and roads are also required.



In addition, accessibility of the chosen positions in the terrain is of crucial importance. Therefore, one focus of the development is the evaluation of arrival and departure routes as well as the interconnection of positions. This will be done using data such as cover and navigability. 

Another focus of development is the prediction of enemy movements. On the one hand, this can support combat using constricted terrain and artificial obstacles, and on the other hand, it has an impact on the evaluation of positions.


Department SZA of Fraunhofer IOSB

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