Software Development Practice 2010: QuizApp

Practice of software development

The ultimate quiz app - an interactive smartphone game

For the practical course in software development, a quiz is to be developed at Fraunhofer IOSB, which runs on a modern smartphone and exploits the features of this mobile platform. Specifically, different types of tasks will be developed for use on a smartphone and tested in a question and answer game (quiz).

In detail:
A quiz is to be created, based on elements of Who-Will-Millionaire, Schlag den Raab or Trivial Pursuit:

  • Questions
  • Answers, possibly with an explanatory component (keyword microlearning)
  • Point system / Rewards

Various types of tasks are conceivable, which result from the possibilities of modern smartphones, such as:

  • Memory task with "shaking"Hot-Spot task (multi-touch, tolerance radius, etc.)
  • GPS-supported task (e.g. run a route or figure)
  • Own ideas
    Classical task types such as multiple choice


The technical requirements are:

  • Java
  • preferably Eclipse IDE
  • Stand-Alone application for the mobile platform Google Android
  • The data storage is to take place in a local database; for this purpose, a suitable data structure is being developed that sufficiently covers the task types and is interoperable
  • Optional requirement is the synchronization with a server for updating the (local) database

A Google Android smartphone is provided for the development work.

Time schedule

The event is divided into five phases. Each phase is concluded by a colloquium in which the groups present their results. The schedule has not yet been fixed, but will be based on the specifications of the chair of Professor Snelting. The dates for the colloquia will be discussed with the team and announced afterwards.


Since the work may be used by Fraunhofer IOSB in whole or in part, a license agreement is required that grants Fraunhofer IOSB unlimited rights of use (as is usually the case with university projects).

KIT: Practice of software development


Android Development Community