
IOSB: The Fraunhofer Institute of Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation (IOSB) is an institute of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft with headquarters in Karlsruhe. The IOSB is responsible for the coordination of the project, the research and development of the image evaluation methods for person tracking and person recognition in the sensor network, the implementation of the situation display and software architecture as well as the design and implementation of the sensor units. The IOSB is also responsible for setting up a demonstrator.

BPOLD BP: The Riot Police Directorate formulates the user requirements for an innovative, modular and self-sufficient communication and sensor system for use in complex dynamic operational situations, tests the researched demonstrators in exercises and missions for practical suitability and participates in the technical realisation.

The Federal Standby Police Directorate (BPOLD BP) is a large unit of the Federal Police, whose parts (Federal Police Departments) are deployed as closed units. The main task of BPOLD BP is to support the federal police directorates and the police forces of the federal states in large-scale situations and to carry out priority tasks in the original area of responsibility. Forces of BPOLD BP regularly provide more than half of the police personnel deployed at football events.

provet: The project group for the constitutionally compatible design of technology at the University of Kassel, headed by Prof. Dr. Alexander Roßnagel, will ensure the legally compatible design of the technology to be developed in Muscat by providing continuous and integrative legal support. The focus will be on the protection of fundamental rights, data protection law, the law of evidence, as well as the demarcation between averting danger and criminal prosecution.

IMST: IMST GmbH is an experienced technology specialist for radio systems and microelectronics. project, IMST is responsible for the localisation algorithms for sensor and person localisation, sensor data fusion and the development of modular and redundant communication systems. Furthermore, IMST analyses and implements possible (cluster) interfaces for communication between the federal and state police forces.

IZEW: The IZEW (International Centre for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities) at the University of Tübingen is preparing two comprehensive expert reports, one on ethical questions concerning the technology to be used and one on the social issues arising from nutmeg.

LZPD NRW: The State Office for Central Police Services of North Rhine-Westphalia participates as an associated project partner and potential end user in the formulation of user requirements for a communication and sensor system for use in complex dynamic operational situations, especially for the area of responsibility of the state police. The LZPD NRW coordinates the participation of state police units in testing the demonstrators for practical suitability in exercises.

DB: Deutsche Bahn AG (Group Security) is participating in the project as an associated partner. DB will attend the regular status meetings and will provide expert knowledge.