Drag&Sense - A framework for digital assistance systems and human-machine interaction of the future

Die Benutzeroberfläche von Drag&Sense visualisiert die logische ›Verschaltung‹ der Komponenten und ermöglicht die einfache Konfiguration per Drag&Drop.
© Fraunhofer IOSB
The Drag&Sense user interface visualizes the logical ‘interconnection’ of the components and enables easy configuration via drag & drop.

Description of the product

Artificial intelligence and underlying machine learning offer enormous potential not only for automation. Digital assistance systems of the future also offer enormous innovation potential in human-machine interaction. The complexity of the systems behind them depends on the individual application. The requirements for assistance systems in production may be completely different from assistance systems in logistics, vehicle interiors or human-robot cooperation in care. A digital assistance system for manual assembly must take into account a different work environment and different processes than optical assistance systems for quality assurance on the assembly line.

However, the potential that assistance systems with artificial intelligence offer across all industries must be balanced against a justifiable effort in order to be able to implement innovative concepts in an agile manner and try out new ideas.

With "Drag&Sense", Fraunhofer IOSB offers a framework that keeps the development of smart assistance functions agile, simple and lean. The framework addresses the need to implement processes of digital assistance systems flow-based instead of programmatically. By graphically connecting existing components for logic control, complex processes can be realised in which a wide variety of AI functions can be integrated and used as a basis.

"Drag&Sense" is a tool to advance innovative assistance systems, but at the same time to be able to save personnel, time and costs in development. "Drag&Sense" is thus the ideal basis for implementing and testing human-machine interaction in the Industry 4.0 era, as well as assistance functions of the future in the interior of automated vehicles.



  • Modular system/framework with standardised components, e.g. for object or person detection, which can be 'plugged together' and logically linked.
  • Compatible with a wide range of hardware
  • Programming/re-adjustment according to hardware configuration by "Drag&Sense
  • Intuitive graphical user interface with visualisation of flow-based programming in a data flow graphic
  • Component library already contains many modules with standardised interfaces and is easily expandable - so even complex applications can be implemented efficiently


As a tool, "Drag&Sense" offers the optimal basis for implementing innovative human-machine interaction and assistance systems of the future in a wide variety of application areas. Examples in which the Fraunhofer IOSB "Drag&Sense" components are already used:

  • Assembly workstations in production and manufacturing
  • Human-robot cooperation in Industry 4.0 applications
  • Human-robot cooperation in clinical and home care
  • Occupant monitoring in the interior of automated vehicles

and much more.



Department IAD of Fraunhofer IOSB

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