Unsolicited application at Fraunhofer IOSB

You have not found a suitable position in our current job offers, although your and our profile match?

Then we look forward to receiving your unsolicited application with all the necessary documents such as cover letter, curriculum vitae and certificates. Please state your desired field of work or preferred research topic, so that we can assign your application to a department and check possible entry opportunities. 

Unsolicited application in Karlsruhe

The following link will take you to a generic job posting (in German) for our Karlsruhe site. There you can click on "Jetzt bewerben" (apply now) and then switch the language to English.

Unsolicited application in Ettlingen

The following link will take you to a generic job posting (in German) for our Ettlingen site. There you can click on "Jetzt bewerben" (apply now) and then switch the language to English.

Unsolicited application in Lemgo

At our Lemgo site we are happy to receive unsolicited applications for our industrial automation branch Fraunhofer IOSB-INA.



Create job alert

You don't want to miss relevant postings? Then follow the link, specify the search criteria if you want to and create a job alert. NB: In order to receive all job offers, whether published in German or English, you will need to create two alerts!

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